Up-skill your team with our special offer
Best Practice Nuggets
Time to focus on “what moves the needle most” – 2 hour inspirational session.
Our Best Practice Nuggets represent the most significant and value creating best practice in people management. In every process there are only a handful of things which make the substantial difference. We gather this knowledge every year and share it with our clients.
There are 21 nuggets to choose from (see all below). Great as inspiration for the yearly HR conference or as 2-hour team events.
Here is our special offer: One Nugget EUR 5.250,- or three Nuggets for EUR 12.000,-. All prices are exclusive VAT.
Each Nugget consists of a 2-hour online session where we present, interpret and discuss the significant top performer practice.
The Nuggets are developed by analysing more than 1500 companies worldwide, every year, and are based on more than 350 metrics and 4000 activities including business cases. Get the most important and valuable knowledge about how the top performers are create superior results.
In every process there are only a handful of things which make a significant difference. We gather this knowledge every year and share it with our clients.
We offer 2-hour inspirational sessions where we present “Best practice in people management” covering pitfalls, proven practice, metrics & target ranges and business cases:
Participants & profile
No matter if your current role is working in HR as executives, managers, business partners, HR professionals, HR generalists, HR specialists, HR experts, COE professionals, analysts, recruiters, talent managers and service professionals you will benefit from participating.
During this up-skilling program all the participants will have an active role in groupwork. There will be homework and time in between the modules to prepare and reflect on the content.
Our tutors & coaches